Cooper's Webpage

Cooper's Webpage
4 Months Old

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Monday, July 2, 2007

Bouncy Seat

Cooper loves his bouncy seat. We just got him an exasaucer and it loves it as well. He is starting to hold on to things really good and laugh a lot! We are headed to Memphis this weekend and then to the lake with the whole Gagnon family. I guess we will see how much Cooper likes the water!

Summary of My First 4 Months of Life

First Food:
He just started to eat food but has not aqired a taste for it. So far apples are not his favorite! See below:

We tried pears last night and he actually swallowed a couple of bites.

A couple of weeks ago he got dedicated at our Church. Family and friends joined us to celebrate!

Brad came in town from Chicago!

Cooper wearing Grammies Glasses!

Monday, February 12, 2007